Title: Continent of the Ninth Seal
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG
Cloud 9 Studio
Release Date: 13 Sep, 2012
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I see boobs.
I download.
It's simple as that.. \u0425\u0443\u0434\u0449\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0441 \u041f\u0412\u041f \u0440\u0435\u0436\u0438\u043c\u043e\u043c. I see boobs.
I download.
It's simple as that.. Went back and played this game. Former close beta player way back 2012 :). This game was great before Webzen took it over... This game was great before Webzen took it over... Can't recommend this Game but first of all the Pro's:
-Character Customization is decent.
-Characters itself look okish.
-The Class System seems promising.
-No Tab targetting.
-Good Optimization
Now we come already to the many Con's:
-No Tabtargetting and yet ''Press 0-9 to use Skill XY''
-Genderlock doesn't work here at all.
-To much running around in Town.
-Controls are clunky
-Gameplay is clunky
-everything feels clunky
-Leveling feels pretty slow.
-Gamepad is supported, but makes no sense at all.
-P2W (Gear\/Weapons and whatnot buyable with real Moneyz.)
-Doesn't save Graphic Settings
Overall the Game feels like a Prototype that could've turned into a good Game, but just didn't. The Class System seemed nice, the Character Creation was ok, but f.e the Tutorial started already... Lame. It could've been ''something'', but it's just not.
I played a total of 2,5 Hours. That was enough for me, to make a myself a Picture about the Game.
*Steam did not reckognize the Game anymore after the first Start. Whatever was the Reason, I don't know.. Went back and played this game. Former close beta player way back 2012 :)
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