Title: Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ Addon
Genre: Animation & Modeling, Education, Utilities, Web Publishing
Release Date: 31 Mar, 2019
Dont waste your money. This should be a free quality of life update to an already overpriced software ridden with bugs and shortcomings. I bought the fusion 2.5 "developer version" I had to buy most of the export addons Bought this as well Whats next? Buying customer support?. MAYBE. Because when I had a problem syncing my clickteam forums account with my steam account, their foolish support staff refused to help me unless I provide my real name and details and who knows what else. Some oversensitve employee Simon Pittock quickly shut down my need for assistance over so called "abusive language" when all I said was "I paid so much for this crap". Quick to waste my time but take my money and not even try to help. Overgrown useless morons. They take your money, cant provide good software, support isu2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665 Stay away. Unity is a million times better or game maker.. Dont waste your money. This should be a free quality of life update to an already overpriced software ridden with bugs and shortcomings. I bought the fusion 2.5 "developer version" I had to buy most of the export addons Bought this as well Whats next? Buying customer support?. MAYBE. Because when I had a problem syncing my clickteam forums account with my steam account, their foolish support staff refused to help me unless I provide my real name and details and who knows what else. Some oversensitve employee Simon Pittock quickly shut down my need for assistance over so called "abusive language" when all I said was "I paid so much for this crap". Quick to waste my time but take my money and not even try to help. Overgrown useless morons. They take your money, cant provide good software, support isu2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665 Stay away. Unity is a million times better or game maker.
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