Title: Clicker Warriors
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Open World Interactive
Open World Interactive
Release Date: Coming soon...
English,French,Italian,German,Arabic,Japanese,Korean,Norwegian,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Swedish,Thai,Turkish,Vietnamese
clicker warriors. clicker warriors
One more patch for the weekend!:
Patch 3 - Project Hospital 1.0.14303
- Fixed some values in options not saved (most importantly UI scale)
- Fixed one case of pathfinding stuck trying to use an inaccessible elevator
- Fixed a rare case of ambulances stuck in fastest time scale
- Fixed a rare case of patients stuck in a fired doctor's office
- Fixed technologists in lab on occasion stuck using sink forever
- Fixed a few min room sizes
- Fixed antidepressants not allowed to be prescribed for patients on observation
- Fixed MRI and CT allowed right next to a wall
- Fixed MRI price
- A few small changes to decrease difficulty in tutorial 3
- Small fixes in texts
. Project Hospital - Patch 5:
Hi all, once again big thanks to everybody who keeps reporting issues, it really helps! We seem to be on a good track when it comes to catching the most critical ones - and hopefully, starting with the next patch, we'll be able to start including more and more of the planned or requested improvements.
Patch 5 - Project Hospital 1.0.14398
- Upgraded engine to Unity 2018.2 to bring proper retina display support on Mac and hopefully fix a few crashes/green screen issues related to Unity
- Added automatic cancelling of procedures that a doctor can't prescribe when the player manually switches a patient's doctor
- Updated cost of radiology prefabs
- Improved efficiency of radiology waiting rooms in case there's one shared waiting room for the whole department
- Improved the 'couldn't sit' satisfaction modifier, it's not applied at the reception anymore
- Fixed one case of stuck paramedics
- Fixed characters sometimes stuck during defibrillation when there was only one available defibrillator
- Fixed one more rare case of broken stretchers blocking patient transfers
- Fixed elevators not working correctly if there was more than 16 of them
- Fixed examination list not immediately updated after switching a patient's department by hand
- Fixed a hidden error in patients waiting for player but with no finished procedures
- Fixed a hidden error when cancelling hospitalization on a patient walking to bed
- Fixed load button in main menu starting loading even with no map selected :)
- Fixed 'buy ambulance' objective sometimes requiring two ambulances to be placed
- Fixed nurses allowed to do free time activities but not fill their needs at departments with patients who require care
- Minor fixes in the UI (wrong tooltips, text truncation etc.)
- Minor fixes in texts (medical accuracy, missing information in a few tooltips)
. Project Hospital - Patch 9:
A quick patch mostly to quickly address the ambulance placement issue in a few scenarios that got introduced in patch 8.
Patch 9 - Project Hospital 1.0.14725
- Fixed regression bug preventing ambulances to be placed in certain levels
- Fixed cancelling of objects move would place the object back on incorrect floor
- Fixed a rare hidden error in events
- Optimized janitor behavior and room selection. Project Hospital - Patch 11:
Hi all, before jumping straight to the usual release notes - happy new year everybody and big thanks to all the new players that joined us during the winter sale and especially to everybody who still took their time to send us bug reports, it really helps, especially when trying to catch some of the rare issues!
Patch 11 - Project Hospital 1.0.14826
- Fixed a regression: hidden error in doctors with no workspace causing patients of a specific department to keep waiting forever
- Fixed characters from events sometimes allowed to despawn over midnight while the event is still running
- Fixed ambulances sometimes stuck on despawned patients
- Fixed an error causing patients to get stuck when leaving an examination with technologists while they don't have a doctor
- Fixed doctors in rare cases stuck reserved by a patient who has already left
- Fixed a hidden error in case of switching doctor's skills during surgery
- Fixed nurses stuck with stretcher when their patient got despawned (race condition with paramedics?)
- Fixed nurse stuck in an animation when reserved right after delivering food
- Fixed exam tables with blocked stretcher access point not causing the room to be unusable
- Fixed wrong price evaluation when building walls over walls in nw-se direction
- Fixed a rare case of patients getting up from ambulance stretcher on arrival
- Fixed janitors leaving carts behind when their department gets closed
- Fixed patients not transported away from closed departments in a couple of specific cases (like waiting for a bed, still physically at another department)
- Fixed a couple of procedures not available in some situations (plasmapheresis, antidiarrheals)
- Fixed a few typos in texts
- Added another fallback pass to pathfinding - stuck patients will ignore access rights instead of getting completely stuck.
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