Title: Christmas Stories: Hans Christian Andersen's Tin Soldier Collector's Edition
Genre: Adventure, Casual
Elephant Games
Big Fish Games
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So, you have received a message from your Nutcracker friend. Seems his sister and her soldier fiancu00e9 just got turned into toys by a wicked Baron. Oh, and the Nutcracker friend is back to being a Nutcracker too. Seems the Baron happened to get his hands on a fixed formerly-broken Rat King wandu2026 Plot is fun, HO scenes interesting, and the minigames fun. Buy in the bundle.. So, you have received a message from your Nutcracker friend. Seems his sister and her soldier fiancu00e9 just got turned into toys by a wicked Baron. Oh, and the Nutcracker friend is back to being a Nutcracker too. Seems the Baron happened to get his hands on a fixed formerly-broken Rat King wandu2026 Plot is fun, HO scenes interesting, and the minigames fun. Buy in the bundle.. So, you have received a message from your Nutcracker friend. Seems his sister and her soldier fiancu00e9 just got turned into toys by a wicked Baron. Oh, and the Nutcracker friend is back to being a Nutcracker too. Seems the Baron happened to get his hands on a fixed formerly-broken Rat King wandu2026 Plot is fun, HO scenes interesting, and the minigames fun. Buy in the bundle.
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