Title: Candy Kingdom VR
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Gameplay Studio VR
Gameplay Studio VR
Release Date: 20 Sep, 2016
candy kingdom vr
UPDATED REVIEW: The game now "works" for Oculus Rift. Everything functions except the angle of the guns which is still off by a LOT. When aiming straight ahead, they still point at the floor. Other than that, it's a surprisingly addicting game. It's not bad for the price, especially if you plan on playing this with your kids.. Do not buy for the Oculus touch yet, the toy guns are turned 90u00ba.. Who does not want to shot candy !!! I crank up my own music and let the fun begin. Only drawback is your arms get sore from continuously firing.. this game is great family fun it is cute and just plain fun. This ones great fun for the kids. My 6 year old neice loves this game. I find this game mildly entertaining myself, its a little bit fun but definatly not my favorite game on the vive. It has colorful graphics, a cute soundtrack, and its very simple to pick up and play. There are allot of stages to go through but they all feel kinda the same, the difficulty slowly goes up as you move through the stages. If you like what you see in the trailor id pick it up.
Multiplayer issues : Some people are having trouble hosting and joining lobbies. I'm currently trying to fix it.. New update with new house : I added a new map with different tasks. imo its the best level by far, The physics feel way better in this update. -Added small cubby holes for the toddler to hide in/ navigate the map. -Added different endings to the tasks. -The toddler also has tasks on this map. -Added different animations for the granny. -Increased the brightness for the dark levels. -Fixed a few issues with the rag doll physics. -And a bunch of other stuff I forgot about. -There's a bug where if u finish a multiplayer game you wont be able to play single player. You will have to reload the game to play single player. -There's also a bug if you try joining a friends lobby while you are hosting a lobby the game will freeze when the "Connecting" text pops up. If you restart the game it should work fine.. Single player update : Hey guys I hope you're enjoying the game so far. Granny Simulator now has a single player mode. There's currently one level you can play on. I plan on adding more levels for single player and multiplayer in the near future. I'd appreciate it if you tell me in the comments what you think of the game so far and also what you would like to see more of (Different levels, weapons, expanding on the house, ect.).. Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof VR Granny Simulator Small bug fixes v0.01 : -Fixed a connecting issue -Fixed a bug that stopped the player from playing single player. If you're still having issues connecting to other players make sure your game is up to date before posting anything to the discussion board.. New update : -Added a molotov cocktail. -Added a grenade. -Added a new chest. The grenade and molotov can be found in the new chests. -Hammers and wrenches now also spawn in the chests that the grandson can unlock. -Added invert mouse setting.(While in game press the "Escape" key to change mouse settings). -Added health indicator beside the granny's hp bar. When her health changes a number will appear beside her health bar indicating how much it was changed by. -Lowered the damage on most of the throw able items. -Fixed a bunch of bugs.. Multiplayer update : The new update should fix the network errors some people were having. -Added a new level for multiplayer. If you run into any errors or bugs I might of missed please post them in the bug discussion thread.
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