
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Can Yoga Be the Key to Unlocking My Weight Loss?

Yoga can make you more flexible.Yoga Quest Yoga can help you relax. Yoga may make your mind sharper and give you better concentration. But can yoga be the key to unlocking weight loss? Yes, yoga can help you to change your relationship with your body and unlock the secret to losing and maintaining your weight.

I've struggled my whole life with weight issues. I've done the Adkins diet, Weight Watchers, 7 day Fasts, and Dr. Ornish's extremely low fat diet. I've run my body ragged around the track. I've pumped iron until my biceps ached. I've done step aerobics, jazzercise, and bought just about every exercise video produced. I've tried it all. But it wasn't until I started doing yoga that I found the key to lasting weight control. How did doing yoga bring about this ephiphany? Yoga leads to weight loss and lasting weight control in three ways.

First, yoga in and of itself is a workout. You are moving and breathing and causing your metabolism to be active. Obviously, you move faster and use muscles more in some types of yoga than in others. In gentle or serenity yoga, the pace is slower but the poses might be held longer. In vinyasa flow or ashtanga, the pace is quick but the poses are not held as long. The pace and the length of the hold of the poses impact the amount of cardio exercise and the amount of weight-bearing exercise a particular yoga practice provides and thus influences the number of calories burned during the session. Multiple sun salutations raise your heart rate, but poses like extended side angle, three-point balance, and half-plank build muscle especially when held for longer periods of time. Sources estimate a calorie burn for an hour of yoga to range from 175 for hatha yoga to 450 or more for a vinyasa or ashtanga class, but I do not believe that these count estimates adequately account for the movement/pose-holding differential in the styles of yoga. I have found that all of the styles of yoga adequately raise my heart rate and work my muscles so that when I engage in other activities, I am fit and able to keep up with others.

Second, yoga teaches you to respect your body. All of that stretching and balancing makes you more aware of what your body can do and of how what you do affects your body and its ability to perform. Once you've done yoga for a while and learn to enjoy the graceful stretches and the improved look and feel of your muscles, you start to think about honoring your body by providing better fuel in the form of wholesome foods instead of junk. If you yearn to improve your yoga poses, you may be more motivated to lose weight; it's hard to do seated forward bend and many other poses with a belly in the way.

Finally, yoga teaches you to relax. In yoga, you learn to use your breath to ease away stress and strain. You reduce anxiety, which can help you to lose weight in two ways. First, anxiety is one reason why many people overeat in the first place. When anxious, they seek out food for comfort. Yoga is a non-caloric healthy substitute. In addition, reducing stress and anxiety can reduce cortisol. Cortisol is a substance produced and needed by the body, but in a limited amount. Excess cortisol has been linked to weight gain, especially around the middle of the body and cortisol goes up when stress is high. By teaching you to let go of stress and anxiety, yoga will help you keep cortisol and your weight under control.


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