Title: Bravery: Rise of The Last Hero
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Early Access
Magic Dungeon Studio
Magic Dungeon Studio
Release Date: 25 May, 2017
bravery rise of the last hero
Urghh, no no no, not a good game, you would rather play poe, d2, torchlight,
but if you wanna support small indie game, you could. This game is a total mess. Not only is the text hysterical to read due to god awful English translations, but the controls don't respond beyond the left mouse button for attack and right mouse button to walk. You also get slammed with hordes of enemies and higher level foes out of nowhere. At one point I was on the character screen upgrading, I died, and played the game with zero health and invicibility. Didn't help any because I got swarmed by one horde of higher level enemies after another. I saved and quit the game and when I chose continue it restarted everyhing but didn't respawn the bear for the very first quest so I couldn't continue, as well as kept my level but not my upgrade points or even the points I spent.
Unless you intend to finish this game in one sitting, you're not going to finish it. Until the developer fixes these problems, it's best to save your money. It's a shame because it's not the worst Unity game that looks like it uses a ton of assets in an action rpg I've played (could be wrong, just basing it on looks), but even when (and if) the repairs are made it still won't be anything of great interest unless massive upgrades are implemented and quick to make it stand out as more than a generic looking title.. Video Review
In it's current state i can not recommend this game to anyone here are the resons why.
The Music just stops when entering a cave.
The enemys just rush you and most of them are OP so together there a nightmare.
you can't use WASD to direct youself you are limited to right click.
The path fineding it terrible you will find yourself running into walls and fences a lot.
there is no objective markers or indercation on the map where to go for more quests.
And many more but some are just very picky i know.
But given all that it is still a very new game so Fingers crossed the dev improves it over time as it dose have a good foundation.
. release date 25 may 2017, clicked update history, last update 26 may 2017... game is unplayable in its current state, first mission did not even start. Video Review
In it's current state i can not recommend this game to anyone here are the resons why.
The Music just stops when entering a cave.
The enemys just rush you and most of them are OP so together there a nightmare.
you can't use WASD to direct youself you are limited to right click.
The path fineding it terrible you will find yourself running into walls and fences a lot.
there is no objective markers or indercation on the map where to go for more quests.
And many more but some are just very picky i know.
But given all that it is still a very new game so Fingers crossed the dev improves it over time as it dose have a good foundation.
. Urghh, no no no, not a good game, you would rather play poe, d2, torchlight,
but if you wanna support small indie game, you could. This game is a total mess. Not only is the text hysterical to read due to god awful English translations, but the controls don't respond beyond the left mouse button for attack and right mouse button to walk. You also get slammed with hordes of enemies and higher level foes out of nowhere. At one point I was on the character screen upgrading, I died, and played the game with zero health and invicibility. Didn't help any because I got swarmed by one horde of higher level enemies after another. I saved and quit the game and when I chose continue it restarted everyhing but didn't respawn the bear for the very first quest so I couldn't continue, as well as kept my level but not my upgrade points or even the points I spent.
Unless you intend to finish this game in one sitting, you're not go...
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