Title: Bloons TD 5 - Candy Banana Farm Skin
Genre: Action, Strategy
Ninja Kiwi
Release Date: 18 Dec, 2017
i didnt recive the bana candy farm skin.... best thing ever
i farm every time i play a game unless its co op but this just makes me want to farm more because of the amazing candy skin
if you like to farm, and want to spice things up, get this. best thing ever
i farm every time i play a game unless its co op but this just makes me want to farm more because of the amazing candy skin
if you like to farm, and want to spice things up, get this. There's a weird bug(?) where other farms in multiplayer show the banana bunches it drops as candy as well, even when that person doesn't have the skin. But other than that it looks dank.. There's a weird bug(?) where other farms in multiplayer show the banana bunches it drops as candy as well, even when that person doesn't have the skin. But other than that it looks dank.. Very cute re-sprite, nice to mix things up from the traditional buildings. Because $2 is a bit expensive for what you get, I'd only recommend buying it if you have some spare change in your Steam Wallet, and you use Banana Farms every game (which you should).. There's a weird bug(?) where other farms in multiplayer show the banana bunches it drops as candy as well, even when that person doesn't have the skin. But other than that it looks dank.
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