Title: Bloody Skyscraper
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Dagestan Technology
Release Date: 23 Feb, 2018
bloody skyscraper
In short,I got this on sale for 0.49 cent,already knew what to expect from it. It's pretty enjoyable for a short time,you kill these blobs for their pink balls n yellow balls in order to buy guns and able to upgrade your skills. There is two game modes. Skyscraper where you fight your way through multiple enemies in a very tight area making it quite complicated if you don't got many guns unlocked as the beginning weapons is not all that great,even at stage one. Second mode is DeathMatch you get a wide open playing field surronded by a barbe wire fence,you have to lure the enemies such as you would do with zombies in most other games,you get grenades and after each successful wave a box drops,beware of any boxes though as they also tend to betray your trust and blow you up. In general the game is decently fun for a cheap buck.. Nice graphics, good concept, but no put together very well. Had potential. I would not pay full price for this game, but if you can get it for dirt cheap,by all means, but be warned, it does not have much to offer. 2/10.. u0418u0433u0440u0430 u043au043bu0430u0441 u0438u0433u0440u0430u043b u0441u043eu0432u0435u0442u0443u044e
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