Title: Blackwell Epiphany
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Wadjet Eye Games
Wadjet Eye Games
Release Date: 24 Apr, 2014
I'm quite an elitist when it comes to point & clicks, but I think that even in the 90's when there was plenty of competition the series would stand out, moreover, It'd be considered classics by now. Because Blackwell has it all: realistic characters with believable motivations, inventive puzzles with quite a few tools for solving them and a great story, which ends in a satisfactory way.
If I'd have to be a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665, I'd say that the voice acting quality is not always consistent and I personally didn't care much for the music, but these are but minor nitpicks. There were no serious flaws or bad games in the series, I truly enjoyed each of them and make my recommendation without a shadow of a doubt.. Blackwell Epiphany is the 5th and final game in the Blackwell Series. I'm kind of conflicted on it... On the one hand I have really enjoyed the series as a whole. It's not my favorite series ever but it's been a fun and entertaining play. This particular installment however, kind of feels different than the other games and I really didn't care for the ending. I suppose it's totally American of me to want things to be completely and neatly wrapped up at the end and preferably have a happy ending but that's what I wanted and I didn't get with this game. There are also plenty of unanswered questions that are not resolved and don't like that there's no real resolution or possibility to resolve them.
Game play is similar to previous Blackwell Games. You can switch between playing Rosa or Joey. You need to use them each for different things to solve puzzles together. You gather notes and clues through dialogue and combine some for further clues. The biggest difference besides the slightly different interface is that you can actually move Joey and Rosa around separately. So for example before Joey could go in a room while Rosa waits outside but now they can move around several screens independent of each other. It's not a huge difference but it is different.
I like that this installment has a control to adjust the music volume independent from the voice volume. I was able to lower the music quite bit to clearly hear what's being said and still enjoy a much more subtle background music and sound. The music wasn't as good as some of the previous games in my opinion but it was alright. The voice over quality has continued to improve in each of the Blackwell games as have pretty much all other aspects of the games. For the most part everything in the game runs smoothly but I did experience a game crashing bug towards the end.
The story starts off pretty promising, it gives us more background on Joey, the Countess, Madeline, even a little more of Auntie Lauren. However, it leaves us wondering how Madeline came to be, how did she discover she could do what she does (don't want to give away spoilers). How exactly did Joey end up a spirit guide? What's the deal with Benjoro Hatori and energy vampires or whatever they are? Those remain unresolved along with what happened o Joey.
I didn't like the end but saying too much of anything about why would probably spoil it for others. Let's just say I don't think it was fair to either Joey or Rosa. However, it does give a pretty definite ending to the series. Of course it leaves another question of who will step in as a future Bestower?
This game felt a lot longer than the other games. Not because it necessarily offers more content or actual play but because so much time seems to be wasted on walking back and forth multiple times to various locations to collect enough clues to move forward.
If you are into collecting achievements this game has a fair amount but will require at least two complete playthroughs. Also the footstep related ones seem bugged to me. I should have gotten 'snowplow' but despite having played through a few times and following achievement guides... it still hasn't happened. I'm not really looking forward to playing ti again ti make another attempt.
Overall, I'd recommend the game if it's played with the rest of the series but not as s stand alone game.. Bottom line at the top: A great conclusion to one of the best series of P&C's I've played since the Sierra Online\/LucasArts days!
-Great main menu\/intro music. I seriously just listen to it for awhile before even starting the game. Great music overall with a few tracks from the previous game that were good included in this one.
-Better fonts\/graphics on menu than the previous entries "flat graphics" style.
-MUCH improved sprite design for Rosa. Sprite animation is excellent. Sprite design not as good as third entry in series but overall style seems like a mesh off all previous games put together.
-Best background\/room design of the series. You can really see the improvement they've cultivated as game developers (makes me excited to see Unavowed!).
-Another good example of their attention to detail is how the characters will converse if you do nothing after awhile. It makes the game feel more alive.
-Character dialogue portraits are best of the series.
-Great voice acting and recording, both much improved from earlier entries in the series.
-Good "quality of life" features. (Autosaves, lots of save spaces, "call" character from other screen into current room, no achievement penalty for using built in hint system).
-Joey gives the best jokes and monologue of the series ( I was dying when he called the computer mouse moose for some reason lol).
-Like the references to previous games (memorabilia in Rosa's apartment).
-Excellent story that wraps up all the questions from previous games nicely.
-Good game "flow". No moon logic, pixel hunting, or overly difficult puzzles to get stuck on.
-Lower resolution art style than other games in the series but the quality more than makes up for it.
-Some scenes could use better default dialogue\/music balancing. (I was too lazy to adjust it myself and it wasn't that often it happened).
-Good game play length.
-Some have pointed out their mixed feelings for the ending. I ultimately feel it tied up everything nicely and was acceptable but I also get where others are coming from with their disappointment.
-Had one or two game crashing bugs.
-Voice dialogue was not the same as what what written in the text box on one or two occasions. Not a big issue but it stands out when every other game aspect has been so meticulously gone over for quality.
I would normally say that the $10 asking price is a little more expensive that I prefer for my usual $1 to $.50 per hour range that I prefer, but the quality of this game and my desire to see this series to its conclusion makes me think its totally worth it. In my mind Wadjet Eye Games has solidified themselves as master P&C makers along the lines of Sierra Online and LucasArts which is not something I say lightly. Their titles are high quality and high value and any true P&C aficionado will recognize those facts. I highly recommend the whole series, discounts are often available and of this writing it is available as a discounted bundle. So, long story short, great game and great series!!!
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