Title: Beach Bounce
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Dharker Studio
Release Date: 14 Aug, 2015
so far in episode 1 it was ok nothing to write home about i kind of want to say to try it out
also why is this tagged as a horror i didnt get any horror vibes from it. Interesting game. You are Tomoyo (Tomo) and you have just been asked to take over a resort complex for your grandmother. She is testing you for possible inheritance, and she's... getting close to passing on. The resort is filled with pretty girls, of which six are very interested in you... though at least a couple might not be the... most conventional... Anyway, through your actions you hopefully will make the resort successful and find a new love.
This is supposed to be the first of a trilogy, but I shall have to see how... inclusive the other two parts are.. Pretty well written dialogue with (typically) realistic descriptions of physical interactions.
Enjoyable story with a few breaks in the logic flow, but overall totally worth the $3;49 spent. $10 max price worthy imho.
Only my2nd Anime\/Mature\/visual novel- other was a Sakura title.
Surprised at quality of writing- hope to find more as good or better then these. This is, in effect a dating sim with a few surprisingly poignant observations on life, as well as a nice variety of personalities and real life kinks. Thankfully the cheese in sexual situations is minimal, nothing too over the top and no chics with fox ears or tails... just humans...for the most part. Just enough skin and sex (with uncensor applied) to keep your blood pumping...but definetly not a pron fest. Yes...I did buy this hoping to see some nice anime women naked, but was surprised at how well this was crafted and the quality of writing.
Easy to uncensor....see review\/thnx to "Braided" for for that.. This is my first VN and as an experienced hentai watcher I have to say this game is a must own for anyone looking for a nice game to play with the lights down low. I would say this game MUST be played with the uncensored patch in order to get the full "experience". Hope I helped at least one person bust a nut. Good Luck. this game is very silly, and the fan service can be a bit on the nose, but together it's what one expects from this style of game. one of the only flaws I feel I must point out is: if you are looking for a story or characters that you can relate to, you might not find it here.. (4\/10)
Not a full game. Would recommend waiting till more chapters\/episodes are released.
Plot and characters are clearly still in development but art style is refreshingly different and would like to see more in addition to seeing how choices affect the story. The romance scenes are lacking in interest and originality.
At this point I cannot recommend and would suggest wait buying until it's completed.. I've changed this review completly as the game has changed totally. Despite what some have said this is a much better game, but you must (should) get the patch, free from his web site. If the start screen doesn't say uncensored version then it's not adult. If you're looking for a non-adult vn then this probably isn't for you.
A lot of different endings, track your progress through the unlocked images in the gallery.
Be sure to check the text options to get the speed and style of play you're looking for.
This is now worth it. Of course improvements could be made, we don't all have the same tastes, but this is well worth it, looking forward to more.. So it's only episode 1 for now, which is effectively the tutorial and getting to know all the characters over the course of a few days. The game claims it takes 5 weeks, so episode 1 is only a small part, but gives a pretty clear impression of how the game will work.
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