Title: BattleBit Remastered
Genre: Action, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, Simulation, Early Access
Release Date: 2019
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BattleBit Staff Livestream Q&A:
Good news everyone! BattleBit Staff will be attending to a Q&A Livestream hosted by Fourever Gaming, we will answer most of your questions and maybe, who knows? My finger may slip during the livestream and I may reveal a few BattleBit keys. So if you want to get notified about the live stream and such check out;
Also don't forget to subscribe to Fourever Gaming!
Deathwing - BattleBit Community Manager
. Build[Public]:
[Bug Fixes]
•Salhan water bug is fixed.
•Salhan AAS icons are now shown up
•Salhan white minimap bug is fixed.
•Salhan invisible walls are fixed
•Not Able to pick magazine/plant rush objective or defuse while in smoke bug is fixed.
•Players move weapon up when it collides with a smoke area bug fixed.
•Invisible faces on Tree leaf and grass bugs are fixed.
•Tank's Screen Cover does not override the AAS / Rush tickets on User Interface
•Humvees LOD settings are fixed
•AAS is fixed
•Explosions can not damage players that are in the water bug is fixed.
•Buggy player movements (Reflections) are fixed.
•Water LOD has been fixed
•Reload sounds keeps playing after player die bug is fixed.
•In some cases, Chat Input field is not being focused automatically bug fixed
•Voice Chat talking indicator is fixed.
•In AAS, not able to spawn on flags bug is fixed
•Fall damages healt changes does not update on screen[Blood Effect] bug fixed.
•Not able to run after switching weapon while reload bug is fixed
•Game volume Percent to FMOD Volume DB conversation is fixed.
•New Terrian Textures are registered [For FootStep Sounds]
•BTR-90 Seats 5th and 6th positions are fixed
•Destroyed models of vehicles are fixed
•Players do not get hitmarker notification if they hit an ally vehicle with turret
•Glitchy Lean left/right checks are fixed
•Repair Tool Sounds doesnt play bug fixed
•Hiding UI works okay fine now.
•Vehicles are not capable of entering enemy safe zones anymore.
•Player arms up detection was detecting safe zones bug is fixed.
•Flashlights disable automatically when a player gets into a vehicle
•In Minimap the netr flags are now white.
•Vault key is now 'Space'
•The mouse is not being locked while vaulting or climbing.
•Added Able to shoot&aim while vaulting & climbing
•Added Able to shoot while not grounded.
•Added Able to shoot&aim while proned
•Added Able to cancel reload by switching other tools in your loadout
•Added Able to climb while in air.
•Chat Input Field Text Size is increased
•AAS flag icons are changed
•Minimap friendly flag icons color is lighter
•AAS flag capture/lost notifications are changed.
•Tank Turrets 4th Thermal is changed
•Placing a rally point while in/on water is not allowed anymore.
•Vehicles have different repair values now.
•AAS Flag HUD Icons are sorted by alphabetic order.
•Hit indicators are now being shared with other seats on the vehicle.
•Added Minimap Icon for vehicles
•AAS Flag Capturing HUD is changed
•AAS Added Target Flags on HUD
•CPU usage for players that's in server is optimized
•Players can climb while they are in the air
•Added an attack indicator on flags for dumbs
•Added damage log on kill cam
•Added self damage log on kill cam
•Kill cam UI changed
•Added different transparecy values for target flag / non target flag.
•Added Fully customizable keybindings supports Keyboard & Mouse [Logitech Gaming Mouse 0-6 buttons]
•Vehicles are able to move destroyed vehicles around[Some players were not able to move because of dead model of vehicles]
•Added damage log on screen when hit an enemy vehicle
•Added a repair indicator for when your vehicle is being repair / also indicator shared with other players in vehicle.
•Added 15 seconds wait on base on AAS gamemode start
[Critical Bug Fixes]
•A critical network bug is fixed [Issue was, if a client shutdowns connection while server sends synchronization data, it was causing server listener thread to stop and not allow new players to connect to server]
•Vaulting/Climbing detection has been fixed [Some players were able to vault inside walls] or [Vaulting/climbing wasn't working in some cases]. BattleBit is now in Open Alpha:
I am happy to announce that BattleBit is now in Open Alpha state, you can join our Discord and ask a moderator to get your Alpha key to play the game on Steam for FREE.
Remember that this will be Alpha version and servers might not be up 24/7.
http://discord.gg/battlebit. What happened to BattleBit?:
Hey there!
Deathwing checking in, sorry for keeping you guys not posted here on Steam for a while now. I have read all of your comments and posts on our Steam forums.
I just wanted to drop by and say, BattleBit is alive, is being developed pretty well at the moment. I still can't give an exact release date but it is soon™.
I will be making a new forum post so that we can continue on with the discussion there.
Thank you for following BattleBit all this time, we wouldn't be able to do it without you.
Expect more. SOON™
Deathwing checking out!. BattleBit Staff Livestream Q&A:
Good news everyone! BattleBit Staff will be attending to a Q&A Livestream hosted by Fourever Gaming, we will answer most of your questions and maybe, who knows? My finger may slip during the livestream and I may reveal a few BattleBit keys. So if you want to get notified about the live stream and such check out;
Also don't forget to subscribe to Fourever Gaming!
Deathwing - BattleBit Community Manager
. Build[Public]:
[Bug Fixes]
•Salhan water bug is fixed.
•Salhan AAS icons are now shown up
•Salhan white minimap bug is fixed.
•Salhan invisible walls are fixed
•Not Able to pick magazine/plant rush objective or defuse while in smoke bug is fixed.
•Players move weapon up when it collides with a smoke area bug fixed.
•Invisible faces on Tree leaf and grass bugs are fixed.
•Tank's Screen Cover does not override the AAS / Rush tickets on User Interface
•Humvees LOD settings are fixed
•AAS is fixed
•Explosions can not damage players that are in the water bug is fixed.
•Buggy player movements (Reflections) are fixed.
•Water LOD has been fixed
•Reload sounds keeps playing after player die bug is fixed.
•In some cases, Chat Input field is not being focused automatically bug fixed
•Voice Chat talking indicator is fixed.
•In AAS, not able to spawn on flags bug is fixed
•Fall damages healt changes does not update on screen[Blood Effect] bug fixed.
•Not able to run after switching weapon while reload bug is fixed
•Game volume Percent to FMOD Volume DB conversation is fixed.
•New Terrian Textures are registered [For FootStep Sounds]
•BTR-90 Seats 5th and 6th positions are fixed
•Destroyed models of vehicles are fixed
•Players do not get hitmarker notification if they hit an ally vehicle with turret
•Glitchy Lean left/right checks are fixed
•Repair Tool Sounds doesnt play bug fixed
•Hiding UI works okay fine now.
•Vehicles are not capable of entering enemy safe zones anymore.
•Player arms up detection was detecting safe zones bug is fixed.
•Flashlights disable automatically when a player gets into a vehicle
•In Minimap the netr flags are now white.
•Vault key is now 'Space'
•The mouse is not being locked while vaulting or climbing.
•Added Able to shoot&aim while vaulting & climbing
•Added Able to shoot while not grounded.
•Added Able to shoot&aim while proned
•Added Able to cancel reload by switching other tools in your loadout
•Added Able to climb while in air.
•Chat Input Field Text Size is increased
•AAS flag icons are changed
•Minimap friendly flag icons color is lighter
•AAS flag capture/lost notifications are changed.
•Tank Turrets 4th Thermal is changed
•Placing a rally point while in/on water is not allowed anymore.
•Vehicles have different repair values now.
•AAS Flag HUD Icons are sorted by alphabetic order.
•Hit indicators are now being shared with other seats on the vehicle.
•Added Minimap Icon for vehicles
•AAS Flag Capturing HUD is changed
•AAS Added Target Flags on HUD
•CPU usage for players that's in server is optimized
•Players can climb while they are in the air
•Added an attack indicator on flags for dumbs
•Added damage log on kill cam
•Added self damage log on kill cam
•Kill cam UI changed
•Added different transparecy values for target flag / non target flag.
•Added Fully customizable keybindings supports Keyboard & Mouse [Logitech Gaming Mouse 0-6 buttons]
•Vehicles are able to move destroyed vehicles around[Some players were not able to move because of dead model of vehicles]
•Added damage log on screen when hit an enemy vehicle
•Added a repair indicator for when your vehicle is being repair / also indicator shared with other players in vehicle.
•Added 15 seconds wait on base on AAS gamemode start
[Critical Bug Fixes]
•A critical network bug is fixed [Issue was, if a client shutdowns connection while server sends synchronization data, it was causing server listener thread to stop and not allow new players to connect to server]
•Vaulting/Climbing detection has been fixed [Some players were able to vault inside walls] or [Vaulting/climbing wasn't working in some cases]. Build
Hey lads! Firm Mathers here.
After two weeks worth of waiting, the new build is finally here!
Build - BuildID 2296888
'Apply' button is now functional.
BitLog Mail Bug is fixed.
BitLog adding same friend bug fixed.
Loading bar when you load into the server is synced to what's going on behind the scene.
'Connecting' screen is synced to what's actually happening.
A bug where you can spawn at the enemy's bases is gone, hopefully.
Double spawn fixed.
Double Same Player At Scoreboard fixed.
English.lang has been revised, thanks to our handsome Moderator ErikzWaffle!
Spawning at the end of the map at spawn fixed (probably fixed?)
RPG-7 no longer fires when you're in menus.
Binoculars UI being persistant after switching equipments is no more.
Latency when syncing messages on server side when you die is eliminated.
Rally points (RP) no longer make you fly.
Friendly icon now shows everytime.
Friendly icon now fades.
Terrain impact particles now display properly.
Optics materials re-done.
Scopes now work properly with DeepSky Haze.
VoIP added! Took Oki 10 tries though. 'B' to chat in squad via radio, 'Caps Lock' to chat locally, meaning you can be heard in certain distance radius by anyone.
VoIP indicator included.
New map: Sandy Sunset, 4km² lush hills.
UTF-8 is now supported. This means more characters (and thus languages) support!
You will now see your cursor right after you die.
1 weapon point to start everyone off with at the start of the round (experimental)
Master Server database has been remastered.
New main menu!
New intro screen!
Optics now work the same way as the iron sights (hold 'Shift' to zoom).
Bearing compass HUD is now bigger. Lads with lower resolution screens can read properly, finally.
Only one Recon class per squad allowed, from two.
Class points req. are decreased. (Details to be updated)
You can no longer use the Squad Menu when you're swimming or incapcacitated.
TCP timeout is now 60 seconds, so you won't get that pesky 'Connection Lost' screen as much anymore.
Wakistan and Basra have been updated.
New friendly icons on map.
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