Title: Barrow Hill: The Dark Path
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Shadow Tor Studios
Iceberg Interactive
Release Date: 22 Sep, 2016
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The game is a non-linear adventure in which you can explore every main geographic area from the get-go. Unlocking any additional spaces comes only with successful completion of particular story-line-advancing puzzles. Clues are placed to help you solve the puzzles, and in some cases multiple clues are offered. Clues can be in any form- advice from characters communicating with you, posters, radio advertisements, or just using plain logic. There is a mix of myth and real-life mystery spanning several generations. And as this is the anniversary of a tremendous, unexplained event that still haunts the survivors, the former event is used as a backbone to this story line. In theory. In reality, you are forced to follow a specific, linear, and undisclosed story path. If you don't, the relevant clues or world locations needed to advance won't appear and leave you wandering around unable to complete the game. One example: Game Character 1: Make the movie! Urgent! Me: Find all components. Make the movie. Game Character 2: Make the movie! Important! Me: Uh, dude. I did make the movie. Can't make it again. Game Character 3: Make the movie! I will give you vital piece of information you need to unlock the next part of the game when you do! Me: I made that movie! Now I get to wander aimlessly for hours because the vital piece of information will NOT be given to me since I made the movie the first time I was told, not the third time. Or, if you are lucky, you are able to complete the game if you try using process of elimination and guessing the correct combination of letters and/or numbers in the puzzle. Speaking of puzzles. some puzzles have clues in the form of flat out answers (password is literally located right next to where you need to key in the password). Some rely on logic or every-day items (That the weird cylindrical thing on the stove in the corner partially obscured by weeds is actually a bug zapper for when you need to zap a bug. You are welcome.). Some require a bit of "research" by reading articles, looking at photographs, and finding journals. But don't think you will get a journal of your own. You need good old fashioned real-life paper and pen to jot some notes down so there goes playing in the dark to get maximum scare benefit. Additionally, the characters are perpetually one act behind, offering story line, clues, and advice to moments that have already happened. Example 1: I find the clubhouse. I find the phone in the clubhouse. Character calls me on the very phone I found in clubhouse to tell me I need to find the clubhouse. Example 2: I find "secret" location A, interact with Character in location A, then Character calls me to tell me I next to need to find secret location A. Example 3: Interact with character. Interact with character a second time. Save character's life, get thanked by character. See character yet again and have a chat with Character. Character then calls me on phone and introduces himself to me because we haven't met yet. And when you aren't scratching your head wondering why the heck everyone lives in perpetual flash-back land, you are scratching your head because the continuity of the characters is really bad and you aren't quite sure who is who. Why exactly was in game video-chat Emma blonde but in-game everywhere else Emma dark-haired? Why were some scenes generated with real-life actors and some with not-at-all lifelike illustrations for the exact same character? And in Mia's case why was a whole second set of illustrations used? Because two fake Mias and one real actress Mia wasn't enough? Plus using the same voice actors for mulitple characters meant they had to play each character as stereotypes, and these were awful, plus every advertisement on the radio that you had to listen to because you had to get the clue. Ollie whined to the point that I didn't want to rescue him simply because I would have to hear him speak some more. Shut up Ollie. Just. Shut. Up. I have no idea why the original Barrow Hill was referenced so often. The only connection between the two story lines was the fact everyone kept whining that you fixed an entirely different problem ten years ago, so you have to fix this one, too. Most of the map was new. The evil demon beast of doom you must destroy to save all mankind was new. The type of myth that the game was based on was new. I mean, really, there was no tie-in. I dismissed mild annoyances like non-game killing bugs, weird disappearing inventory items that were red herrings anyway, typos, odd navigation, and the horrendous, epic DOOOONG piano slam every. single. time. you picked up an item. The first time it was jump-scare terrifying. The tenth time it was tedious. The hundredth time (because I had to restart the game due to bugs more than once) it was incredibly funny. I mean nothing on earth could be more dramatic and in need of an epic piano slam than a freshly made pot noodle, right? Would I recommend this game for purchase? No. It was relatively short. The story line weak. The acting sub-standard. If it was half the price and if you liked the genre I would certainly say go for it.. If you loved Barrow Hill you will love this.. I've been a fan of Matt Clark's work for several years now and so I bought the game immediately upon release. For an adventure horror enthusiast like myself there's nothing better than a spooky game set in an interesting location (Cornwall).It's the Equinox and something strange is afoot in Barrow Hill, you are the journalist tasked with finding out the truth behind what's going on there. There 's lots to enjoy here: the story, graphics, puzzles and music.The story of Barrow Hill is full of ancient folklore, pagan rituals and magic which actually makes you want to check out the real life locations this game was based on. The graphics are great for an indie game, a nice change from pixel-style games that are popular now. The puzzles can take some time to figure out but all the clues are there to help you.The use of sound in Barrow Hill is amazing- you can almost feel that there's a presence in the woods watching your every move. Even a crackling twig sounds menacing. I recommend this game to anybody interested in adventure horror games with rich stories.. Easy operation, interesting but not overly difficult puzzles, creepy music, eerie sequences, overall really fun and dark! I loved all the precise throwbacks and scenery from the first game.. So, I've played this game for about an hour and I can say that it's horrible. Now, I don't know the publisher's or developers previous games, but it seems a lot of people that do have written positive reviews. Maybe I need to play some of their other games to like this, I don't know. I generally like point and click games, and I certainly like horror games. Which was the reason I picked this up hours after it came out. I even have two Win 95 computers I've built in the last two years with many of the old point and clicks I like. This game reminds me of a game straight out of 1996. A tiny window, static images of the screen you're looking at, horribly acted tiny video boxes, obtuse puzzles. I mean, I'm an hour in, with multiple items and I've barely gotten past the first few screens. I can't even figure out a way to get back to somewhere I think an item is used. It's like I just keep going in circles. When you move your cursor over the screen, you get arrows telling you where you can move. Some items you can pick up don't even have an icon saying to can grab/interact with them, so I feel like it's dumb luck that I've been able to get all the items I have. I'm not saying Telltale does it right by any stretch, (because they're such basic p&c's) but this game is absolutely the other end of the spectrum. It is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played, as opposed to something like Telltale makes, or something like Gone Home or Layers of Fear (for spooky/supposed spooky elements). Even most of my old Win 95 point & clicks are far better than this. So unless you're a fan of their other games (I don't know any other than the original Barrow Hill) or you like horribly obtuse point and clicks that you play in a tiny window, I'd definitely steer clear of this one. Get Gabriel Knight 1 or 2 if you want a good p&c horror game. I honestly would like to see more of the story and how the game turns out, but I doubt I'll ever play it again, so it was a waste of money. Don't waste yours too.. Awful.. I haven't played the first Barrow Hill game, and it seems like you need to have in order to understand this one. Throughout the game, I was asking, who are these people, who am I supposed to be, what are they talking about, what is going on? The area the game takes place in is small, and they give you a rudimentary map, but navigation is still a nightmare. I never managed to make it from one place to another through the woods maze without running around in circles for a while. The gameplay is repeatedly interrupted by long, unskippable, very cheesy FMV scenes and recordings. I got sick of it pretty soon and just finished it from a walkthrough.. I enjoy games like this, but not this one. It's story and characters are flat at best, and the ability to explore is offset by a weak narrative that gives no sense of direction, plus there is no meaningful way to track your progress.
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