Title: Atriage
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Batu Games LLC
Batu Games LLC
Release Date: 7 Apr, 2016
It's basically CHESS! IN SPACE!
You can imagine the gameplay. There are set 4 classes of ships and each ships move different and attack differently, and you fight in a 2 dimensional board with random obstacle.
My feedback for now is that I wish there's more options on the visual (like for example to reduce the thickness of the board lines).
Also, I guess I must reiterate again. It's Chess In Space with a bit of random elements. Gurgeh would be proud. So there aren't any campaign or storyline or upgrades or fleet building or such. I guess I should recommend it at discount for those who aren't really into chess.. I have seen kickstarters asking for 10 of thousands or more for similar types of turn based ship formation games but they fail in the execution or never come to be. Now, this game pulls it off, straight forward turn based strategy game without any fillers or unnecessaty complexity.
I recommend this game because it is easy to pick up yet shares a similar mastery approach like chess. You control a fleet on a tiled board against another fleet. Each ship has a move pattern and attack pattern, some stronger others weaker. I played a game session for over 30 minutes because I took my time before each move and in the process learned different tricks watching the enemy AI in action. Learned a lot from it and will try to pull those new moves on my next session. It was fun, tactical, straight forward and has a arcade touch to it. Seems the game has online capabilities, so it will be interesting to play against a human contender.
The style of the ships remind me of Ikaruga and radiant silvergun. The UX is straight to the point, no complex windows all well desgined and simplistic. All you need is fast to get.
The mood of the game for some reason reminds me of FTL, probably the soundtrack, or just the feeling of the whole game reminds me of FTL. And that is a good thing.
I do want to point out, as in today, release day, I noticed some bugs when it comes to selecting the tiles you want to move to. I noticed during your turn transition if you click on a enemy for some reason it shows the enemy move pattern and attack pattern as if you were able to control it, yet can't. I have seen this type of bugs before in this type of games and the team mentioned they are in process of fixing bugs, so that is good they are responsive.
Eveytime you play is not a wasted game (even offline), you earn experience, until now I haven't leveled up but I will check what improvement I do get for my fleet.
Besides the ship selection bug (which I believe is being addressed), I do recommend to make the ship animation cut scenes a bit shorter to keep the momentum. This means each ship teleportation and attack can be a bit faster, and that might help the pace to keep it chess like.
Overall is a good game with a lot of potential, and quality, it will keep improving.
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