Title: AppGameKit - Shader Pack
Genre: Animation & Modeling, Design & Illustration, Education, Software Training, Utilities, Web Publishing
Jan Bögemann
The G
One of the best DLC's to date. The power to easily apply graphic enhancements without the need to learn a Shader language seperately.. Usefull Shader collection. I f you're after advanced Visuals it's a good investment, as there are even more Shaders to come. The ones provided are well documented and easy to use.. Usefull Shader collection. I f you're after advanced Visuals it's a good investment, as there are even more Shaders to come. The ones provided are well documented and easy to use.. JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! . like you do with most functional AGK DLCs.. Must have for every AppGameKit2 user!. JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! . like you do with most functional AGK DLCs.. Must have for every AppGameKit2 user!. One of the best DLC's to date. The power to easily apply graphic enhancements without the need to learn a Shader language seperately.
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