Title: Apocalypse zombie Race
Genre: Action, Racing
Release Date: 2 Mar, 2018
Cars are completly uncontrollable and oversensitive when playing with keyboard, when you hit the zombies you don't crush them but simply "push" them around, which completly ruin the gameplay.... https:\/\/youtu.be\/dnM7L-uC27E<\/a>
I get a sneaking feeling that this game is destined for the mobile market. From the clumpy large icon interface, to the low fi graphics. Talking of graphics there is plenty of assets here that you have seen in other unity games so set your expectations accordingly.
Content wise you get nine challenges, which need to be unlocked in order, and an 'open world' section where you drive from marker to marker. All of these games earns you in game cash to buy other vehicles. And it is all very tedious in all honesty. Yes there are some zombies (and deers) wondering around. But why? They don't attack you or hurt your vehicle.
And finally there is the controls. Xbox 360 controller works in game, but not in the menu's. However the controlller is actually worse for controlling your car than using the keyboard. I think this is the first racing game I have ever played where keyboard is the better option for driving. Not that the cars control that well in the first place.
And finally there is the in game music. Good as it is (if you like average pop rock), I have my doubts that the develpoers have officially licenensed any of it.
So all in all, I'm gonna go for the thumbs down on this one, as there is very little to keep the interest.. It's pretty bland and uninspired to be honest. I can't say I hate it (ironically) but I can't really recommend it either. It needs a lot of work.. Not only because of the low price very enjoyable
though low configurability - quick and easy.
On the sad site - no gamepad splitscreen -
high requirements - funny music - missing cameras.
P.S.: Yes - multiplay WOULD be superp -
driver plus gunner - just saying ... .
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