Title: Ancient Worlds: Jaguar's Fate
Genre: Casual, Indie
Release Date: 16 Aug, 2017
English,French,German,Japanese,Portuguese,Russian,Simplified Chinese
ancient worlds jaguar's fate
there are bug and i couldnt continue. pretty good game. I was hyped when is saw this on greenlight, it seemed great. ive played it for 13 minutes now and ive beated 7 levels.. I tried this on a whim. The game isn't worth the money. No challenge, or depth. I've seen better games made as a high school project. It is bugged on the 8th map.. No volume slider.. I tried this on a whim. The game isn't worth the money. No challenge, or depth. I've seen better games made as a high school project. It is bugged on the 8th map.
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