
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

All That You Need to Know About Mental Health, to Stay Sharp As a Tack

The mental health system in Canada has been Super Memory Formula Review brought to the forefront of all of our minds with the shocking case of Vince Li, the Chinese immigrant who decapitated a Greyhound passenger and was recently found Not Criminally Responsible for his actions. The family of the victim have publicly denounced the court system and have even said that Li is 'getting away with murder.' They were also quoted as saying that 'he will be able to get a job in a day care and pursue life as he pleases.'Frankly, it sickens me that these outrageous quotes and misinformed ideas have been allowed to spread through the media and the public opinion. It is understandable that the family of victim Tim McLean are completely shocked and abhorred by this unfortunate incident, but their distorted views are only bringing the plight of the mentally ill back another step. Schizophrenia is one of the least understood of all of the major psychotic disorders. However, one thing is known for sure: people with schizophrenia are not any more likely than the general public to be violent. And in the rare cases that they do become violent, the violence is usually self-inflicted or geared towards close friends and family members.

These types of situations are usually preceded by either a failure to take medication, experimentation with drugs and alcohol or extremely stressful life events, leading to a psychotic break with reality.I have been following this case closely from the beginning and I admittedly have a more avid interest than most. As a student in the Mental Health and Addictions program, I will be doing my placement at the Forensic Unity of the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. Although Mr. Li will be hospitalized in Manitoba, I am eager to be able to meet other patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders who have come into contact with the law and hopefully piece together a bit of the puzzle. Mr. Li most likely believed that he would be heralded as a hero when he jumped through the window of the Greyhound bus covered in blood from head to toe. Instead he was treated like 'some sort of murderer,' he later told a psychiatrist. In his mind, he had killed McLean on a direct order from God, because McLean was a demon. In his mind, he was doing the right thing. It was only weeks later upon being stabilized on anti-psychotic medications that Li came to understand the extent of his actions.

For some reason in mental illness, we tend to still somewhat hold the person responsible for their actions, where we never hold the same stance for physical illness. For example, the mother of the victim would probably not be as enraged if her son was killed by a driver who had an epileptic seizure behind the wheel. They are both out of the control of the patient, but for some reason we as a society still think the mentally ill should have to be punished for their actions.A healthy diet along with exercise, is so important to help us function optimally.The benefits of doing so are, getting sick less often, and enjoying life to the fullest. It will improve your physical energy and your bodies immunities. You'll find that you have better stress tolerance and mental alertness. Physical energy is the fuel of life and is vital to maintaining optimal emotional and mental energy. Think about it, if your body is tired and run down, then you can't think or work properly. It's crucial that you eat well, drink lots of clean purified water, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly, to help provide your mind and body with the proper kind of energy it needs each day. Here are a few suggestions to help you improve your level of physical energy Go to bed and get up around the same time every day, including the weekends. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night Try to eat five to six small meals a day and make sure to fit in breakfast. Jump starting your day with a healthy breakfast is of vital importance. It can help you refuel your body and restore your blood sugar level that's needed to provide you with adequate energy to begin your day.

Maintain a healthy, well balanced diet including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and minimize fats and sugar intake. Drink 48-64 ounces of water a day (6-8 glasses). Clean purified drinking water is of vital importance to one's health. Otherwise, you are putting into your body chemicals and toxins from the water, that build up in your body's systems, causing sluggishness, illness, and all sorts of ailments. Try to take breaks at work every 60-90 minutes to recharge your energy. Standing, stretching, or going outside for sunlight, a quick walk and fresh air is a good break-time routine. Also, a power snack, such as granola, fruit or raw vegetables, at this point is a good idea.Incorporate at least two cardiovascular interval workouts and two strength-training workouts a week into your exercise routine. Try to do something you enjoy each day. Take a walk in the woods, on the beach, or in the park. Read a good book, paint a picture, take up photography, or take a pottery class, learn to play a musical instrument, or just play with the dog. Doing something you enjoy makes you feel relaxed & calm, relieving tension and stress.


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