
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

There are 2 sides to the heart. The right side receives Advanced CardioRx Review  oxygendepleted blood from the body, sends it to the lungs, then back through the left side of the heart, where it is then pumped out to nourish the rest of the body. On each side are two chambers, an upper chamber, or atrium which receives the blood and the lower chamber, the ventricle, which pumps blood out through the arteries to the rest of the body. The right ventricle only pumps blood to the lungs via the pulmonary artery, whereas the left ventricle pumps blood to the entire body via the aorta artery. The blood, of course, is returned back to the heart via veins. The entire network of veins and arteries is approximately 60,000 miles in hypothetical length. The first arteries that branch off of the aorta artery, are the 2 coronary arteries, left and right. It is these arteries that the relies upon to feed itself the necessary nutrients and oxygen the heart itself needs to operate. It is blockage in one of these arteries that is the most common cause of heart disease. Heart attacks, angina pectoris, heart failure, or sudden cardiac arrest originate in this fashion via atherosclerosis.

Coronary Heart Disease, which is the blocking of these coronary heart arteries, the heart's lifeline to the nutrients and oxygen it needs to work. (Shneider, Fields, 2006). Artheroclosis is the the main culprit as it involves a gradual hardening of the coronary arteries that provide the heart with the nutrients and energy it needs to live, and keep us alive as a result.Atherosclerosis is a slow, complex disease in which fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and other substances build up in the inner lining of an artery. This buildup, also known as plaque, can lead to heart attack and stroke. As Atherclsoiss develops in the inner arteries around the heart, the risk for heart attack increases as the arteries are clogged, hardened and otherwise unable to transport the necessary nutrients and oxygen the heart needs.

The western lifestyle diet has exacerbated this with its sweet and salty food, animal fats and fried food makes one prone to heart attacks. The sedentary and sluggish lifestyle, the lack of proper exercise, physical or emotional trauma, congenital or hereditary factors, suppressed emotions or excess strain and anxiety are cited as other causes for the high incidence of heart disease in the West.

Of course, hypertension, which is high blood pressure which can be caused either by too much fluid in the blood vessels or by narrowing of the blood vessels plays a tremendously damaging role in the progress of heart disease. High blood pressure is usually defined as blood pressure greater than 140/90 that fails to come down regardless of your activity. When blood pressure is too high and remains that way, arterial walls become weakened and more prone to atherosclerosis (a buildup of fatty substances on the inner walls of the arteries). The heart must then work harder to try to pump oxygenated blood through the clogged arteries. The clogged arteries are also more prone to blood clots that can block the flow of blood entirely. Consistent high blood pressure causes the heart to work harder than it should and can damage the coronary arteries over the long term.


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