Title: Age of Conan: Unchained
Genre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG
Release Date: 22 Feb, 2013
This game is too old to have all the bugs it has in it, Quests can be broken, Items that says only can have 1 you can have multiple of and some you cant even delete out of your very limited bag. game has confirmations except where it is really nessary e.g the petition section of where you try to get help dont accidently click delete petition because you can spend 30 minutes or so creating one and then go to respond to it like the support emails say and then the whole petiton and the days you waited was a waste.. i wonder how many people are called sheldor. I could not even paly, the game launcjes but I can not even click the settings options it thows me back to the desktop and mouse clicking seems not to be enabled so I could not even create a character.. THIS WILL HAVE TWO PARTS PVE AND PVP.
so i got the game. make a toon it has 1,2,3,4, pages of making one. then time to give it a name. name i want is taken ok but... it backs me out to page 1 and i have to repick everything for my toon again. this took like 15m as i really wanted a variant of that name. so now i get to long into game. befor i even move using w,a,s,d, i fall thro the floor of the viking area into water. ok its a new game so i relog get back into game now i am on a floor and i am able to use w,a,s,d, and read all the tool tips. now this part of the game i loved the graphics looked good, sound was great. i leave the main town i am atked by and npc right near the exit of the main town. i ran not knowing what lv the npc was and the town guards killed it. the controls are close to mount and blade warband and so is combat. i join a guild all nice guys and gave me a few tips. also i read a bit about the game befor i got it so i would know how to spend my str, dex, hp, points. so i was told i should go at lv 1 and kill lv 1-9 npcs near town i did but i found a lv 23 when i was only lv 2. i was able to kill it and i had 75% or so of my hp left. only do this if you are good at mount and blade warband as the exp is well worth it. so imo pve is great
ok so i goto a town with pplz from my clan we atk said town it had no players that i could see. a few npcs. we break a few gates with our spears and swords and take said town. i get paid for helping kinda like a mini quest i guss. then i goto a tournament where if you die you lose nothing ok great good way to get exp and test my skills. haha lol. its 19 vs 21 we had the 21. so its what team can get more kills in say 10m. its was 13 to over 100 near the end of the tournament my side lost. the lag i went thro was bad. i would be hitting someone and think i am doing great next thing i knew i was on the floor dead while the person i thought i was atking had little to no dmg. so imo PVP needs a lot of work befor its worth anything and since its the main part of the game well to me anyways i would say wait to get this game till they fix lag also i would say game is worth as is 10.00-15.00 so wait for a sale.. pay 2 win\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665. I played this game long time ago, when the game just came out. It was a very positive experience, whole a lot more than the new Conan MMO. Now the game is quite old and graphically outdated, but the entire experience of exploration, quest making and cooperative play is still strong and satisfying.. Awesome MMORPG!!!. So... as soon as Conan Exiles came, I had to go back into AoC to see what happened... I played this game for 7 years,with about 2 years of pausing in between. The reviews here? The people crying about the Itemshop,about it being "pay-to-win"? Complete \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665t. And as a true AoC veteran,let me tell you why.
Itemshop? Completely optional. You can get the gear they offer you in not even a month of playing PvP if you do the daily PvP quests,Minigames and the PvP week-events which will give you INSANE amount of PvP xp. So the people saying this game is Pay-to-win are just bad,they need to step up their game and that's it,you have people qqing like this in every game. If you're a really good player,it just doesn't matter if you have the first PvP set (which is earned PRETTY easily) or the last (t3) PvP set,you will kill anyway. That's what the new players nowadays just don't get,they buy this game, have NO CLUE about it whatsoever and the first thing they do is either cry at the itemshop or buy the PvP set from the Shop and get completely destroyed by everybody nonetheless...
There are only 2 REALLY important factors about PvP in this game:
AA Feats (Alternate Advancement system,kind of hard to explain,but long story short: You get AA points if you play and you spend it on your character's AA feat so he gets better at resisting for example crowd controls, or you get special abilities. However, if you take your time and show patience by skilling the right things,you wont have to worry ONE BIT about AA's because with the PvP AND PvE quests that exist you get them EASILY nowadays.)
Movement. You need to aim in this game,not point and click. This is what makes Age of Conan so awesome, if your movement is good,you can kill anything worse than you. New players don't get that even though that's the most important thing about the game... You run around the enemy,predict his moves and try to counter them, you try not to get hit by certain things and and and...
Try this game. You will have many people crying out loud here on Steam saying how incredibly bad it is or something like that but those are ALL people who do simply suck at the game and it's mechanics. It's a skill game after all...
Take your time with it, look at the lore, listen to the music, and own\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665when you hit lvl 80 (which you can reach easily in a week or two). YOU NEED PATIENCE TO GET INTO THE GAME!
This game has more than enough people to play it by the way,so don't just think this game is dead..this game is alive and running and they improved it A LOT
also very important: PROBABLY 95 PERCENT OF THE AOC PLAYERBASE DON'T PLAY THIS GAME VIA STEAM! So don't get confused by the steam count, This game has been around since 2009.
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