Title: A Story of Distress
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Strategy
Yellow Panda Games
Yellow Panda Games
Release Date: 2 Apr, 2018
story of a distressed king. a story of distress review. a story of distress psvr. a story of distress steam. a story of distress psvr. story of a distressed king. a story of distress. a story of distress vr. a story of distress review. a story of distress steam. a story of distress vr. a story of distress
There's more to this than meets the eye. I promise! Pros: 1) Story - It may seem standard and predictable it first glance, but if you really think about it the developers attention to detail is actually quite impressive. I won't say more because of spoilers but I'll make a post in the discussion section for anyone wondering what I'm talking about. 2) Play your way - I won't try to say that this is the Undertale of VR because I don't need that kind of drama in my life thank you very much. However, I think everyone can agree that there are thematic similarities. Did you kill every guard? Did you kill civilians? What about the rats and chickens? And of course the biggest question. did you stop to play the lute????? 3) Length vs Price - I'll fully admit that I kind of speed ran my first playthrough simply because I really wanted to see how the story progressed. That took me a little more than two hours. That being said I also fully intend to replay the game at least once, maybe twice, because there are things I definetly missed and other things I really want to try. So if you get the game on sale like I did, for $4, then I can without a doubt say it's worth it. Honestly though, I don't think I'd really mind paying full price for this one, and that is HIGH praise coming from me. 4) Voice Acting - It's there, and it's not bad. There isn't a lot of it of course because it's a stealth game, and some characters are better than others, but overall I think it's good enough to put it in the Pros section. 5) Difficulty Level - This could be a pro or a con depending on what you really want out of this game. Other reviews aren't lying when they say you can win this game by pretty much walking up to every enemy and just waving a knife in their face. However, I will say that, at least for me, this strategy did not work when facing multiple enemies at once. I actually kind of appreciated that this was an option because I was in it for the story, not so much for the gruling, unforgiving stealth-gameplay. You could still play it that way if you wish, I'm just acknowledging that there is an easy out for those of you that want it. Cons: 1) Difficulty Level - This could be a pro or a con depending on what you really want out of this game. Other reviews aren't lying when they say you can win this game by pretty much walking up to every enemy and just waving a knife in their face. However, I will say that, at least for me, this strategy did not work when facing multiple enemies at once. I actually kind of appreciated that this was an option because I was in it for the story, not so much for the gruling, unforgiving stealth-gameplay. You could still play it that way if you wish, I'm just acknowledging that there is an easy out for those of you that want it. 2) Bugs - There were a few moments when my knife would just flat out stop working and I would die and have to start that section over. The knife would still not work and I'd have to kill the guards with the bow and arrow and just pray that it wasn't one of those moments when the guards just refuse to die even after being hit in the face four times. However, I did not find any bugs that I would say were "game-breaking," just a few that were annoying.. There's more to this than meets the eye. I promise! Pros: 1) Story - It may seem standard and predictable it first glance, but if you really think about it the developers attention to detail is actually quite impressive. I won't say more because of spoilers but I'll make a post in the discussion section for anyone wondering what I'm talking about. 2) Play your way - I won't try to say that this is the Undertale of VR because I don't need that kind of drama in my life thank you very much. However, I think everyone can agree that there are thematic similarities. Did you kill every guard? Did you kill civilians? What about the rats and chickens? And of course the biggest question. did you stop to play the lute????? 3) Length vs Price - I'll fully admit that I kind of speed ran my first playthrough simply because I really wanted to see how the story progressed. That took me a little more than two hours. That being said I also fully intend to replay the game at least once, maybe twice, because there are things I definetly missed and other things I really want to try. So if you get the game on sale like I did, for $4, then I can without a doubt say it's worth it. Honestly though, I don't think I'd really mind paying full price for this one, and that is HIGH praise coming from me. 4) Voice Acting - It's there, and it's not bad. There isn't a lot of it of course because it's a stealth game, and some characters are better than others, but overall I think it's good enough to put it in the Pros section. 5) Difficulty Level - This could be a pro or a con depending on what you really want out of this game. Other reviews aren't lying when they say you can win this game by pretty much walking up to every enemy and just waving a knife in their face. However, I will say that, at least for me, this strategy did not work when facing multiple enemies at once. I actually kind of appreciated that this was an option because I was in it for the story, not so much for the gruling, unforgiving stealth-gameplay. You could still play it that way if you wish, I'm just acknowledging that there is an easy out for those of you that want it. Cons: 1) Difficulty Level - This could be a pro or a con depending on what you really want out of this game. Other reviews aren't lying when they say you can win this game by pretty much walking up to every enemy and just waving a knife in their face. However, I will say that, at least for me, this strategy did not work when facing multiple enemies at once. I actually kind of appreciated that this was an option because I was in it for the story, not so much for the gruling, unforgiving stealth-gameplay. You could still play it that way if you wish, I'm just acknowledging that there is an easy out for those of you that want it. 2) Bugs - There were a few moments when my knife would just flat out stop working and I would die and have to start that section over. The knife would still not work and I'd have to kill the guards with the bow and arrow and just pray that it wasn't one of those moments when the guards just refuse to die even after being hit in the face four times. However, I did not find any bugs that I would say were "game-breaking," just a few that were annoying.. There's more to this than meets the eye. I promise! Pros: 1) Story - It may seem standard and predictable it first glance, but if you really think about it the developers attention to detail is actually quite impressive. I won't say more because of spoilers but I'll make a post in the discussion section for anyone wondering what I'm talking about. 2) Play your way - I won't try to say that this is the Undertale of VR because I don't need that kind of drama in my life thank you very much. However, I think everyone can agree that there are thematic similarities. Did you kill every guard? Did you kill civilians? What about the rats and chickens? And of course the biggest question. did you stop to play the lute????? 3) Length vs Price - I'll fully admit that I kind of speed ran my first playthrough simply because I really wanted to see how the story progressed. That took me a little more than two hours. That being said I also fully intend to replay the game at least once, maybe twice, because there are things I definetly missed and other things I really want to try. So if you get the game on sale like I did, for $4, then I can without a doubt say it's worth it. Honestly though, I don't think I'd really mind paying full price for this one, and that is HIGH praise coming from me. 4) Voice Acting - It's there, and it's not bad. There isn't a lot of it of course because it's a stealth game, and some characters are better than others, but overall I think it's good enough to put it in the Pros section. 5) Difficulty Level - This could be a pro or a con depending on what you really want out of this game. Other reviews aren't lying when they say you can win this game by pretty much walking up to every enemy and just waving a knife in their face. However, I will say that, at least for me, this strategy did not work when facing multiple enemies at once. I actually kind of appreciated that this was an option because I was in it for the story, not so much for the gruling, unforgiving stealth-gameplay. You could still play it that way if you wish, I'm just acknowledging that there is an easy out for those of you that want it. Cons: 1) Difficulty Level - This could be a pro or a con depending on what you really want out of this game. Other reviews aren't lying when they say you can win this game by pretty much walking up to every enemy and just waving a knife in their face. However, I will say that, at least for me, this strategy did not work when facing multiple enemies at once. I actually kind of appreciated that this was an option because I was in it for the story, not so much for the gruling, unforgiving stealth-gameplay. You could still play it that way if you wish, I'm just acknowledging that there is an easy out for those of you that want it. 2) Bugs - There were a few moments when my knife would just flat out stop working and I would die and have to start that section over. The knife would still not work and I'd have to kill the guards with the bow and arrow and just pray that it wasn't one of those moments when the guards just refuse to die even after being hit in the face four times. However, I did not find any bugs that I would say were "game-breaking," just a few that were annoying.
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