
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

A Short Sleep During the Day - It That the Answer to Tiredness?

The statistics say that 50 million Americans suffer NutrisleepRx Review from insomnia. Something tells me that number is an underestimate. While some people see their doctors for insomnia, there are many more that try their own methods for improving sleep or simply just deal with it. Insomnia is a real problem, and there is nothing wrong with seeking help, whether it is from your doctor or someone else.If you would prefer not to go to the doctor, fellow insomniacs can be a good alternative. Or even better, former fellow insomniacs. You have to remember that hundreds of thousands of people are going through the exact same thing you are, and there's a good chance they have new solutions you haven't tried.There is an abundance of message boards on this topic, with tons of ideas with the opinions of the people who have tried them. It is a good place to find out whether certain solutions are safe and effective. However, you have to remember that what works for one person may not work for another. The important thing is to keep trying things until you find what works for you. Talking about it with others and exchanging ideas will also help you not feel so alone. This may lead to being less stressed about it, which may even help you sleep. Stress and anxiety are leading causes of insomnia, so often it is better to treat these rather than the insomnia itself. The same concept applies to depression and number of other illnesses. If you think this may be the case, a simple doctor's appointment can usually diagnose it.

To help you and your doctor cure your insomnia, there is an Interactive Sleep Diary on the website for the National Sleep Foundation. All you have to do is fill out the diary each day for one or two weeks, then submit it on the website. In return you will receive an analysis of your sleep habits, and activities that might be affecting your ability to sleep well at night. You can print out the analysis and bring it to your doctor's office, or e-mail it.
Although this is a useful tool, it is obviously not a necessity for your doctor to diagnose you. If you have a clear understanding of your sleeping habits and what the problem is, your doctor should be able to find a way to treat your insomnia quite easily. Many people who have insomnia simply claim that they "just can't sleep." The truth is however, that your habits around bedtime can be a big factor in how easily you fall asleep and stay asleep. Here are some tips for what to do in the hours before bedtime.

Physical Activity- The ability to fall asleep and stay asleep depends greatly on physical fatigue. If you are physically inactive all day, your mind will still be tired at night but there is a good chance you body won't feel the same way. This is one of the reasons exercise during the day is so effective in helping you sleep at night. running, making it difficult for you to clear your mind and drift off to sleep. This is why it is important to take time to wind down before bedtime. Keep the lights low, and do something quiet such as read, take a bath or meditate. Your body is timed by the circadian clock, which operates on the presence or absence of sunlight. When you first go outside in the morning, it shuts down production of melatonin, a natural hormone that makes you feel sleepy. When you are in the dark at night, this production increases. For this clock to work properly you need to spend at least a little time out in the sun each day. uiet Your Bedroom- If your mind only associates your bedroom with sleep; it will make it much easier to fall asleep at night. To achieve this, all distractions should be removed from your bedroom. This includes the television, radio and computer. This way, it will be easier to use your bedroom exclusively for sleep and sexual activity. The temperature of your bedroom is important also. Making it a little colder will promote sleep, and also allow you to snuggle up under the covers. Clear Your Mind- In order to fall asleep; it is important that your mind is clear. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Keep a notebook next to your bed so that when a thought pops into your head you can write it down. This way, your mind will be able to relax because you won't be trying to remember that thought for the morning.

Many people think afternoon naps are only for the very young and the very old, but studies have shown that the urge to take a nap is natural in people of all ages. If you feel a sudden onset of tiredness around lunchtime, you are not alone. Most people feel this, but it is less than the tiredness you feel at night, so it can be ignored. While most Americans choose to ignore this feeling, or make it go away by having a cup of coffee, some cultures embrace the idea of an afternoon nap, or a siesta. In Spain, for example, businesses close for about two hours in the afternoon for the siesta.This time is spent with family, eating the main meal of the day and briefly sleeping. This is usually practiced in Latin American countries, which are close to the equator. This suggests that the desire to nap during the day may have been a development to avoid too much heat and sun. The refusal to take a nap during the day leads to poor overall performance in the afternoon. For this reason, work accidents increase both during the afternoon and at night. One way scientists have studied this urge to nap is by monitoring body temperature.


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