
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

3 Important Ways You Can Find a Doctor Qualified to Cure Your Chronic Pain

In chiropractic we call them subluxations and understand them to be the cause of a  Pain Absolve-RX Review  lot of problems also because they tend to disrupt nerve communications. In traditional medicine severe joint instability is usually treated surgically. Ligaments are tightened bones are fused together or clamped together with steel rods and plates.

Chiropractors specialize in correcting mechanical instabilities of the spine and all of the joints of the body. Chronic neck shoulder elbow wrist back hip knee ankle and foot pain often improves quickly when the mechanical instability of these joints is corrected. Those who lives have been ruined by neurological conditions have usually been through a myriad of toxic medications and invasive procedures to manage their symptoms without any hope for significant relief. They can now have hope that a new non-invasive and non-toxic treatment called Neurologic Relief Centers Technique may hold the promise of a better life for them.

Stress both emotional and physical can cause tension on the meninges the membranes that surround and protect the central nervous system including the brain spinal cord and the nerve roots that branch off the spinal cord and supply the tissues of all areas of the body. When there is tension on these meninges it can cause irritation of the nerve roots and the nerves that supply the body tissues. When your nerves are irritated it can cause a wide range of symptoms because the nervous system controls all your body functions.

Neurological Relief Centers Technique (NRCT) is a non-invasive and virtually painless chiropractic technique that releases the tension in the meninges thereby releasing the irritation of the affected nerves. The most common symptoms that respond to NRCT are pain anywhere in the body including the hands and feet fibromyalgia spasms arthritis-like symptoms numbness headaches migraines memory problems burning sleep problems fatigue nervousness irritable bowel nervousness anxiety depression trigeminal neuralgia neuropathy etc...


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