Title: 100% Orange Juice - Mixed Booster Pack
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Fruitbat Factory
Orange Juice
Release Date: 9 Mar, 2015
English,Japanese,Simplified Chinese
Great cards that add some VERY interesting new things to the game.
(However, if you don't own it you can still use them in MP when others have them). This DLC is great for people who enjoy 100% Orange Juice and want some for variety for the game, and the price is great for what you get, this DLC also goes on sale every so often and is in bundles every once in awhile.. Each of these new cards adds a lot to the game, I feel. They do a good job of mixing things up further, fitting considering it's the "mixed" booster pack. Not recommended for beginners, but if you enjoy the game then absolutely get this DLC.. 11 new cards for 100% OJ? It is called mixed booster pack?
200% Mixed Juice confirmed to release on Steam. :p
On a serious note, these cards are so much fun to use. This DLC expands the variety of strategy that can be used for every charcter, opposed to the other DLCs that just add 2 characters. It is my favorite DLC to date for this game.
Newer players may want to wait for this DLC to go on sale. This booster pack needs to be bought with the free in game currency even after buying the DLC. This pack costs the most stars out of any current pack. This makes it hard to obtain early game due to the amount of other wonderful things to obtain instead.. This DLC card pack has the better, and far more variety of Boost cards. Want someone\u2019s else Hyper instead of your own that\u2019s in your hand? Use Mimic Need to check the deck to get your hyper card[s] sooner? Passionate research will do the job. And to play a card at no cost, just use President\u2019s Privilege before you do. Lonely Chariot is just a crap card imo, because who\u2019s going to pay 1HP to roll 5 movement for every turn? The effect does end when you reach 1HP, and will cost you stars, but the overall effect can\u2019t be cancelled either. The Ambush card is rarely used, because it requires a good timing and situation where you are 1)On the same tile as other player or players, and 2)Your turn happens before theirs, and 3) They aren\u2019t dead. It sucks that you turn ends after using Ambush too. The battle cards in this pack ensures that you\u2019ll never have to engage in a fight, though Tactical retreat will cost you stars to run-away.
Event cards are meh. Mix phenomenon is a hit-or-miss for the affected map, and Scary Solicitation gives you cards for the price of stars. In Trap cards, I find that the Piyopiyo Procession can benefit characters going for Win Normas, and is a staple for anyone who plans to play Starbo. Hooray for stepping on your own trap!
Overall, this is another good pack that is a must-have DLC for players!. poppo a\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665
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