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14 Jan 2017 Exciting changes are in the works for the Brawler's Guild in Patch 5.3, You need a dps spec and dps gear in order to kill the bosses. I have to say I was happy to see a DK and Shadow Priest in the group or it would've been a wipe.Welcome to Wowhead's Shadow Priest guide, updated to Tides of Vengeance, Battle . Below is a breakdown of each race for this spec among players with updated Wowhead Profiles. .. Brawler's Guild (Battle for Azeroth) - Rewards Guide. 22 Nov 2016 10 May 2017 Hi, I am not a shadow priest main, but I am using it right now to do the brawlers spec s2m then you can just move around while still dpsing. 27 Nov 2014 New Brawlers Guild Guide ( submitted 4 Hey guys, Paraliel here and today I'm going to be helping you guys out on how to get Meatball and the Brawler title. .. I think that talent made shadow priest soooo boring. 1. Joining the Brawler's Guild. In order the join the Brawler's Guild, you will need a Blood-Soaked Invitation, which you can get from multiple sources. Once in possession of a Blood-Soaked Invitation or a Brawler's Pass (Alliance / Horde), all you need to join the Brawler's Guild is to right-click it. 6 Jan 2017 placeholder guide I'm fixing everything up and will post this back up when i'm done. Anyone had any luck with beating the Brawlers Guild?
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