theatres exclusive for eye surgeries. Camps are permitted only for screening of patients and bringing them to the base hospital for eye surgeries. All NGOs and voluntary organization approved under NPCB need to sign a MOU with the district authority as per the Guidelines issued under NPCB. ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Guidelines for the Comprehensive Management of Diabetic Retinopathy in India (NPCB) with the support of international - DR Screening camps, Types 5. 37 Eye Banks registered under Human Organs Transplantation Act are functioning in Karnataka including 3 Government Eye Banks at Minto Hospital Bangalore, K.R.Hospital Mysore and Districts Hospital Belgaum. As per the policy of Govt. of India under NPCB eye bank infrastructure is also improved to increase cornea collection and Keratoplasty. National Programme for Control of Blindness. - organize eye camps in remote rural and urban areas as per the government guidelines. WHO Assistance for Prevention of Blindness • Intra - country fellowships in National Programme for Control of Blindness(NPCB) has been the most successful programmes. The major challenges include comprehensive eye care to the underserved population, development of sustainable infrastructure and strengthening of human resources while keeping abreast with latest technological advancements. Guidelines for State Health Society & District Health Societies Standards of Eye Banking in India Construction of Eye Wards & OT & Repairs & Rennovation of Existing Units To shift eye camp approach to a fixed facility surgical approach. National Programme for Control of blindness:Guidelines for State Health Society and District Health Society, Opthalmic/Health division, NirmanBhavan New Delhi, 2009 mumbai. national programme for control of blindness (npcb Tele-ophthalmology Guidelines . [NGO guidelines under NPCB] however for the Hold comprehensive eye screening camps at peripheral level. 5 ; Disposal of Assets ; The grantee inst
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