
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Clts handbook kamal karmach
















The CLTS approach originates from Kamal Kar's evaluation of WaterAid Bangladesh and their local partner organisation - VERC's (Village Education Resource Centre is a local NGO) traditional water and sanitation programme and his subsequent work in Bangladesh in late 1999 and into 2000. Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is an approach to achieve sustained behavior change of people who participate in a guided process of "triggering"; the triggering is intended to lead to spontaneous and long-term change of social behaviours, in particular the abandonment of open defecation.The concept was first developed by Kamal Kar for rural areas in Bangladesh in around the year 2000. This handbook contains five chapters focusing on Community-Led Total Sanitation or CLTS which entails the facilitation of the community's analysis of their sanitation profile, their practices of defaecation and the consequences, leading to collective action to become open defaecation free was on the triggering or igniting event. Community-led total sanitation Community-led total sanitation ( CLTS ) is an approach used to improve sanitation and hygiene practices in a community. It focuses on behavior change of an entire community. Ending the practice of open defecation is the goal. The term \u0022triggering\u0022 is central to the CLTS process. Community-Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene (CLTSH) as an approach. Thus, this session focuses on the phases, concepts, and components of the CLTSH approach, as indicated in the national guidelines. The general objective of the session is to enable participants to understand and internalize the purposes, Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is an approach to achieve sustained behavior change in mainly rural people by a process of "triggering" leading to spontaneous and long-term abandonment of open defecation practices. It was first applied by Kamal Kar in Bangladesh in around the year 2000. The concept involves provoking shame and disgust about poor sani

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