When it comes to sex, I’m a lot like the former Barcelona, Bayern Munich and current Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola. Not because I’m in demand the world over thanks to the sort of free-form expressionism that wins trophies, while leaving keen admirers quivering.Oh, sure, there’s been the occasion that I haven’t but, as with Guardiola, such moments are the exception that prove the rule. I always finish on top. Sadly, that works on two levels; anything other than missionary and my internal monologue has been known to scream: ‘Woah! We’re not in France!’ And so there are few people more in need of Tantra Therapy, an intense, potentially life-changing practice that, on this occasion, takes place near Elephant & Castle. This is about the exploration of sex, the feeling of one-ness, an opportunity to go on a spiritual journey, the chance to be given the tools to be a better lover and, in turn, a better human being. And it’s not often you get to say all that about Elephant & Castle.
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