Doping people on the other hand inhibits mental performance and Ageless Brain Review produces behavioral problems and the "calm" apparently evaporates when the child reaches puberty. The drugs lead to other drugs, bigger cocktails of prescribed medication, street drugs and prescribed medications themselves become drugs traded on the streets. It is a fact that the whole drugs epidemic that has laid waste so many American lives began in the early 1960s, when President Kennedy permitted psychiatry to implement its "solution" of drugging kids.
US research found Ritalin may cause lasting changes to the brain. Side effects including weight gain and heart trouble have been reported in autistic or hyperactive children treated with anti-psychotic drugs and there is little long-term evidence that the drugs are safe. NHS advice on prescribing of antidepressants to children warns they all have 'significant risks' yet many doctors seem to hand them out like sweets.
Advocates of child drugging - often front groups linked to the pharmaceutical gravy train - claim that kids benefit from it. Well they would, nobody tied in to the drug industry is going to admit they are messing kids up and it all depends what you mean by "benefit." Our children would REALLY benefit from greater care by adults to feed them properly and ensure they get PROPER medical treatment and not a quick fix to dope them up and keep them quiet.Unless we do something fast, we have set ourselves up for a drugs epidemic in the near future that will make the current one appear mild in comparison. Someone is trying to tear down our civilization from within and personally I do not know how much more of this abuse our cultures can survive.
Understanding childhood ADHD is one of our most important challenges today. Our world needs creative, genius level problem solving and leadership. We can no longer continue with outmoded ways of viewing the world and still meet the challenges facing us now, at the beginning of the twenty first century.Our children are more than able to meet these challenges, but they need our help to reach their full potential. It is known that a child's early environment has a very large impact on all levels of development.
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