Frosted versions have sugar / corn syrup and vitamins sprayed Super Nutra Complete Review on to the finished product. If you buy the economy version of cornflakes, you are actually buying the fine dust left from the milling process, which are turned into pellets and shaped into flakes!These same processes and techniques apply to all cereals in one way or another.
Cereal shapes are made from flours, which are mixed with water and heated. They are then extruded through small holes, which allow them to expand into the final shape. This heating and processing breaks down the cell structure of the starch leading to a high GI value (some are in fact worse than sugar). Vitamins, having been destroyed in the heating process are added back into the flour mixture along with sugar salt and flavourings.Most of the health benefits claimed for breakfast cereals come from added fortification rather than micronutrients from the raw ingredients, which are usually destroyed in the processing or removed beforehand.
Kellog's have consistently been the largest advertiser of cereals in this country, spending approx 50 million a year. Without advertising we would never have known that we 'needed' processed cereal and stayed with bread and porridge of the past.The industry is adamant that its products are a healthy way to start the day and are backed by the head of nutrition at King's College, London, but an independent Which.
Survey found that 75% of UK cereals had high levels of sugar, and one fifth had high levels of salt. Nearly 90% of those advertised directly to children were high in sugar, 13% were high in salt and 10% were high in saturated fat! Even those market as healthy got a warning light as All Bran was found to be high in salt and Special K (yes the slimmer's friend) was high in both sugar and salt! Some high fibre bran cereals contained more salt per serving than a bag of crisps, although some have now been reformulated.
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