
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Pain is always of the physical body. It has its roots Curafen Review in the nervous system. It can only exist when the body has come under injury or disease. Pain in this sense is very simple and basic. It is the firing of pain receptors. Pain is the start of a lot of peoples suffering. Suffering is different from pain. Suffering happens in the mind, not in the body. Suffering is when the mind thinks negative thoughts and creates stories or drama around events or situations. Drama, with pain as its main actor, is the most common source of suffering in this world. Many people have victim identities revolving around their physical pain. Meditation can help drastically with

During meditation, we sit in silence and focus on a single object such as the breath or a word (mantra). Doing this allows us to watch the minds habitual thought patterns. As we meditate we can sort through the drama our minds create. Sorting through drama as it is happening is wonderfully liberating. It allows us to take a step back from our drama and creates some space between us and the stories our minds generate. Creating space between you and the story is the first step in freedom from suffering.

Meditation is a simple process, but it needs to be practiced with diligence and consistency to be effective. Even a little bit of this practice is beneficial. Practicing sporadically will only give minimal results at best though. Sitting quietly in a focused manner for as little as 10-15 minutes a day will begin to clear the mind of old outdated mental clutter. Clearing the mind of its habitual and recurring thoughts is the first sign of progress in meditation.

As you begin to sit consistently, you will able to simply let thoughts and feelings pass on by while staying centered and focused on your object. This centeredness then spills over into other areas of your life. Staying centered in yourself is a big step in the right direction. The first step in stopping suffering is to no longer creating more. By not participating in drama you no longer create suffering for yourself or your world.


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