
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Healthy Eating and Dieting: How to Avoid the Unavoidable Danger Zone

I am sure that you have heard of fruit smoothies, Science Based Turmeric Review   but have you heard of fruit AND vegetable smoothies. Most of us don't enjoy eating our vegetables, but we do it because we know we should. Putting these vegetables into a smoothie with some fruit is a great way to disguise those vegetable tastes we don't like and still get all the vitamins and nutrients we need out of them. In this article I will show you great ways to make some delicious fruit and vegetables smoothies.

For these smoothies you can use either frozen fruit or fresh fruit. I advise you not to use canned fruit. The reason being that canned fruit has added sugars, salts, and preservatives. Frozen fruits and fresh fruits usually don't. The great thing about the smoothie is that you can choose just about any kind of fruits and vegetables you want!

Some fruits and vegetables as you know are healthier than others. The rule to abide by is the darker the color, the healthier it is. So when picking the vegetables to put in, take the time to look at the colors of them. Spinach is such a great power house of nutrients. I strongly advise you to have the majority of your smoothie be spinach. I would also advise you to not use spicy or tart tasting vegetables such as peppers or any form or onions. This can really throw off the taste of your smoothie!

Some really great fruits to add are bananas and berries. These fruits have a very sweet and strong taste. Adding them will help to cover up the tastes of the vegetables that you don't like. Some other great fruits to add are mangos, apples, and oranges.

You can also add other ingredients to make your smoothie even healthier. Adding foods such as ground flax seeds, raisins, and nuts can add even more vitamins! Add any kind of food that is high in nutrients can be added. Just be sure that it wont make your smoothie taste bad. After putting all of the fruits and vegetables in your blender, add water. Water will help your blender to blend the food smoothly.


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