
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

A surgeon performing liposuction may inject into your YouTonics Skin Review body large amounts of fluids to replace those lost during the procedure, as the fat tissues removes contain a lot of liquid. You may leave the clinic without any sign of fluid imbalance but it is also likely that the imbalance only happens once you get home. Fluid imbalance is not to be ignores as it can cause heart problems, kidney problems and even in the lungs where fluid can possibly accumulate.

It is very important to keep the wounds clean after undergoing surgical treatment. It is also very important to take the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor. If the doctor did not prescribe you one, ask him for a prescription. Like fluid imbalance, infections that may arise from the wounds are not to be taken for granted. It can result to a condition called necrotizing fascilitis wherein bacteria begin to eat the body's tissues. Another complication would be the toxic shock syndrome which is a fatal condition caused by bacteria.

Another serious side effect of liposuction, embolism happens when the fats are loosened and enters the blood stream. This is very likely to happen especially if some blood vessels were broken during the liposuction procedure. Not only will the fat join the bloodstream, it may also accumulate in the lungs and even proceed to the brain. Embolism can cause permanent disabilities and even death.


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